

What if I were a preacher

And I couldn't use the letter "P"

I'd have to make my sermon -oints with

"W" or even "Z"

I'd have to -reach  a 3 -art sermon

Based on the A-ostle -aul

-arishoners would hear my -lea to

Come down for the altar call


We'd have a -otluck dinner

And we'd ho-e our baby doesn't drool

We'd use the -arking lot to -ark

Our minivan for Sunday school

We'd -ray for your requests and you would

-ay your tithe and offering

"Have Thine own way thou art the -otter"

Is the song you'd hear us sing


July 4, 1999

Words and music by Bill Griffin

Made up at the end of a church service when the 3rd point also began with a “P”.

Copyright 1999 Bill Griffin