Warning: getlastmod() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 440
Photos of the Ancient Near East, Emphasizing Israel : /Israel Trip July-August 1990 Bill Griffin/Regional/Jordan/Transjordan-General
Warning: getlastmod() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1594

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Photos of the Ancient Near East, Emphasizing Israel

Subfolder: /Israel Trip July-August 1990 Bill Griffin/Regional/Jordan/Transjordan-General

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Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0716Tel-Mahneh JRD TEL L_MAHNEH D_N.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0807Tel Hisbon JRD L_S OF AMN.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0904Wadi Wala JRD L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0905Wadi Wala JRD L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0929Balua (Ar-Moab) L_BALUA JRD.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0930fields of Moab L_BALUA JRD.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0607Deep valley at Jerash JRD L_JSH.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0933whirlwind.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0608Deep valley at Jerash JRD L_JSH.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0609Agriculture,Jerash area JRD L_JSH.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0906Wadi Wala JRD L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0934whirlwind.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0607Deep valley at Jerash JRD L_JSH.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0802Bedouins JRD L_S OF AMN.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0802Bedouins JRD L_S OF AMN.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0634Valley at Adjlun JRD L_LOC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0804El Eyla JRD L_S OF AMN.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0807Tel Hisbon JRD L_S OF AMN.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0904Wadi Wala JRD L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0905Wadi Wala JRD L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0803W toward JVL JRD L_S OF AMN D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0606Trees,going S toward Jerash JRD L_JSH D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0804El Eyla JRD L_S OF AMN.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0805Hisbon (poss Heshbon) JRD L_S OF AMN D_SW.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0927Bedouin women with goatsOne in white headdress with spindle GRP SHEEP L_WAD MJB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0906Wadi Wala JRD L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0616Group,fr up stairwell at temple of Zeus GRP JRD L_JSH D_NE.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0617_Me_ in stairwellZeusTemple,sendto ELS GRP _ME_ JRD L_JSH D_S.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0704Looking S-hill country of Gilead GRP _ME_ JRD L_ADJ D_S.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0705CastleBuiltBySaladin CST CRU JRD L_RBD CST D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0712LookingW-Jordan valley fr castle CST CRU JRD L_RBD CST D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0713N toward sea of Galilee CST CRU JRD L_RBD CST D_N.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0715Threshing floor at Tel-Mahneh JRD TEL L_MAHNEH D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0806Thistles [small depth of field] JRD VEG L_S OF AMN.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0907Ishkander, being EXCated JRD TEL L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0908Polarized-[Dibon (the unsettled hill).] JRD L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0908Roman milestone ROAD JRD MIL L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0908Roman milestone ROAD JRD MLE L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0910Dibon (the unsettled hill) JRD L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0933whirlwind.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0934whirlwind.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0928Bedouin women with goatsOne in white headdress with spindle GRP SHEEP L_WAD MJB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0806Thistles [small depth of field] JRD VEG L_S OF AMN.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0931ZeusTemple2CAD -in Rabbat-Moab,cfJosephus, prob capital of Moab JRD TMP.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_0932ZeusTemple2CAD -in Rabbat-Moab JRD TMP.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0606Trees,going S toward Jerash JRD L_JSH D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0608Deep valley at Jerash JRD L_JSH.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0609Agriculture,Jerash area JRD L_JSH.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0907Ishkander, being EXCated JRD TEL L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0616Group,fr up stairwell at temple of Zeus GRP JRD L_JSH D_NE.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0908Polarized-[Dibon (the unsettled hill).] JRD L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0617_Me_ in stairwellZeusTemple,sendto ELS GRP _ME_ JRD L_JSH D_S.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0634Valley at Adjlun JRD L_LOC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0908Roman milestone ROAD JRD MLE L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0704Looking S-hill country of Gilead GRP _ME_ JRD L_ADJ D_S.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0930fields of Moab L_BALUA JRD.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0705CastleBuiltBySaladin CST CRU JRD L_RBD CST D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0908Roman milestone ROAD JRD MIL L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0712LookingW-Jordan valley fr castle CST CRU JRD L_RBD CST D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0932ZeusTemple2CAD -in Rabbat-Moab JRD TMP.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0713N toward sea of Galilee CST CRU JRD L_RBD CST D_N.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0910Dibon (the unsettled hill) JRD L_S OF MDB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0715Threshing floor at Tel-Mahneh JRD TEL L_MAHNEH D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0716Tel-Mahneh JRD TEL L_MAHNEH D_N.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0803W toward JVL JRD L_S OF AMN D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0805Hisbon (poss Heshbon) JRD L_S OF AMN D_SW.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0929Balua (Ar-Moab) L_BALUA JRD.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0927Bedouin women with goatsOne in white headdress with spindle GRP SHEEP L_WAD MJB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0928Bedouin women with goatsOne in white headdress with spindle GRP SHEEP L_WAD MJB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_0931ZeusTemple2CAD -in Rabbat-Moab,cfJosephus, prob capital of Moab JRD TMP.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 889

Warning: ksort() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 893

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 894

Israel Trip July-August 1990 Bill Griffin/Regional/Jordan/Transjordan-General File Listing

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Working Version: 1970-01-01 02:00:00 CST Version .969 © 2009 Dan Griffin