Warning: getlastmod() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 440
Photos of the Ancient Near East, Emphasizing Israel : /Israel Trip July-August 1990 Bill Griffin/Regional/Unsorted
Warning: getlastmod() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1594

Warning: getlastmod() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1595

Photos of the Ancient Near East, Emphasizing Israel

Subfolder: /Israel Trip July-August 1990 Bill Griffin/Regional/Unsorted

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  • Return back to Israel Photos

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1424Off bow L_GAQ.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T212Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3007Road sign ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1424Off bow L_GAQ.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T116Looking SW pass which goes by Megiddo. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1832Camel by road ISR L_NEAR MAS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3125.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T110Farmland. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T117Jezreel Valley agriculture. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T118MtGilboa. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3125.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1609Ibex ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1611E toward Petra ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T111Olive trees off Rt.4. VEG L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1833Camel caravan ISR L_NEAR MAS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T213Tel or garbage dump,or both. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2822Jordan river ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T119Inside bus in Jezreel valley. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T113Container being loaded onto truck (for boys). L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T114Eating lunch at rest stopArea looks like Ohio. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'Thumbs.db' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3124.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1608mountains of Jordan which we came through. MTN ISR L_EILAT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T211Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3124.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T115Hills S of Megiddo pass. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1417Eilat JRD L_AQB [CITY] D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '3124.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '3125.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1423Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA L_GAQ D_E.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T112Factory-warehouseMany ship containers with major barbed wire around it. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T112Factory-warehouseMany ship containers with major barbed wire around it. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2900Spring-devoted to god Pan ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1610Date palm farm N of Eilat ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1608mountains of Jordan which we came through. MTN ISR L_EILAT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1616Israel's probably nuclear facilities,near Mamshit ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1618Mamshit looking S-probably Roman ruins ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1618Mamshit looking S-probably Roman ruins ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2822Jordan river ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1619Roman buildings at Mamshit ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2823A branch of Jordan ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1620Negev shot looking E,S of Arad ISR L_NEGEV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1619Roman buildings at Mamshit ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2821Wadi .....,across Jordan valley ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3002Coke bottle in Hebrew ISR L_TIB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2823A branch of Jordan ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T110Farmland. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2824Yarmuk ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3007Road sign ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2900Spring-devoted to god Pan ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1620Negev shot looking E,S of Arad ISR L_NEGEV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2901Banias waterfall (a source of Jordan) ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1832Camel by road ISR L_NEAR MAS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2902Banias waterfall (a source of Jordan) ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3116Tel Yoqne`am ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3002Coke bottle in Hebrew ISR L_TIB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1610Date palm farm N of Eilat ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3005Hill of Hattin,where Saladin defeated Crusaders ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3123point&click-1-60 sec,down in mosque ISR L_AKO MSQ MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T118MtGilboa. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3006Southern Galilee landscapeGood agricultural landMuch of Gospel narrative takes place here ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2824Yarmuk ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3008Kafr Kanna looking NE-probable Cana ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3120Tel of ancient Akko ISR L_AKO.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3116Tel Yoqne`am ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1423Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA L_GAQ D_E.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3117Traditional site of Elijah on MtCarmel,in Carmel range ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1611E toward Petra ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3118Tel Qashish Or Me'ammer On Kishon... ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3122Inside mosque,up ISR L_AKO MSQ MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1833Camel caravan ISR L_NEAR MAS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3119Refinery at Haifa, it also looks like they produce phosphates towers look like nuclear reactors ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T111Olive trees off Rt.4. VEG L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3120Tel of ancient Akko ISR L_AKO.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1609Ibex ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T211Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3121MosqueMost colored stones here are fr around Caesaria ISR L_AKO MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3122Inside mosque,up ISR L_AKO MSQ MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1417Eilat JRD L_AQB [CITY] D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2821Wadi .....,across Jordan valley ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1616Israel's probably nuclear facilities,near Mamshit ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2901Banias waterfall (a source of Jordan) ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2902Banias waterfall (a source of Jordan) ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3005Hill of Hattin,where Saladin defeated Crusaders ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T118MtGilboa. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T212Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3006Southern Galilee landscapeGood agricultural landMuch of Gospel narrative takes place here ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3008Kafr Kanna looking NE-probable Cana ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3117Traditional site of Elijah on MtCarmel,in Carmel range ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3118Tel Qashish Or Me'ammer On Kishon... ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3119Refinery at Haifa, it also looks like they produce phosphates towers look like nuclear reactors ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3121MosqueMost colored stones here are fr around Caesaria ISR L_AKO MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3123point&click-1-60 sec,down in mosque ISR L_AKO MSQ MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T213Tel or garbage dump,or both. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T113Container being loaded onto truck (for boys). L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T114Eating lunch at rest stopArea looks like Ohio. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T115Hills S of Megiddo pass. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T116Looking SW pass which goes by Megiddo. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T117Jezreel Valley agriculture. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T119Inside bus in Jezreel valley. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T212Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T213Tel or garbage dump,or both. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T110Farmland. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T111Olive trees off Rt.4. VEG L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T211Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T112Factory-warehouseMany ship containers with major barbed wire around it. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T113Container being loaded onto truck (for boys). L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T114Eating lunch at rest stopArea looks like Ohio. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T115Hills S of Megiddo pass. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T116Looking SW pass which goes by Megiddo. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T117Jezreel Valley agriculture. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T119Inside bus in Jezreel valley. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

Warning: ksort() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1251

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1252

Israel Trip July-August 1990 Bill Griffin/Regional/Unsorted Files

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Links open in a new window. To save, right-click and select save target/link as... or click the image and save from there.

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1424Off bow L_GAQ.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T212Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3007Road sign ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1424Off bow L_GAQ.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T116Looking SW pass which goes by Megiddo. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1832Camel by road ISR L_NEAR MAS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3125.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T110Farmland. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T117Jezreel Valley agriculture. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T118MtGilboa. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3125.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1609Ibex ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1611E toward Petra ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T111Olive trees off Rt.4. VEG L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1833Camel caravan ISR L_NEAR MAS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T213Tel or garbage dump,or both. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2822Jordan river ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T119Inside bus in Jezreel valley. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T113Container being loaded onto truck (for boys). L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T114Eating lunch at rest stopArea looks like Ohio. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'Thumbs.db' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3124.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1608mountains of Jordan which we came through. MTN ISR L_EILAT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T211Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3124.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T115Hills S of Megiddo pass. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1417Eilat JRD L_AQB [CITY] D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '3124.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '3125.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1423Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA L_GAQ D_E.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T112Factory-warehouseMany ship containers with major barbed wire around it. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset 'T112Factory-warehouseMany ship containers with major barbed wire around it. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2900Spring-devoted to god Pan ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1610Date palm farm N of Eilat ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1608mountains of Jordan which we came through. MTN ISR L_EILAT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1616Israel's probably nuclear facilities,near Mamshit ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1618Mamshit looking S-probably Roman ruins ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1618Mamshit looking S-probably Roman ruins ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2822Jordan river ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1619Roman buildings at Mamshit ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2823A branch of Jordan ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_1620Negev shot looking E,S of Arad ISR L_NEGEV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1619Roman buildings at Mamshit ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2821Wadi .....,across Jordan valley ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3002Coke bottle in Hebrew ISR L_TIB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2823A branch of Jordan ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T110Farmland. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2824Yarmuk ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3007Road sign ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2900Spring-devoted to god Pan ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1620Negev shot looking E,S of Arad ISR L_NEGEV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2901Banias waterfall (a source of Jordan) ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1832Camel by road ISR L_NEAR MAS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_2902Banias waterfall (a source of Jordan) ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3116Tel Yoqne`am ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3002Coke bottle in Hebrew ISR L_TIB.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1610Date palm farm N of Eilat ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3005Hill of Hattin,where Saladin defeated Crusaders ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3123point&click-1-60 sec,down in mosque ISR L_AKO MSQ MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T118MtGilboa. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3006Southern Galilee landscapeGood agricultural landMuch of Gospel narrative takes place here ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2824Yarmuk ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3008Kafr Kanna looking NE-probable Cana ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3120Tel of ancient Akko ISR L_AKO.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3116Tel Yoqne`am ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1423Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA L_GAQ D_E.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3117Traditional site of Elijah on MtCarmel,in Carmel range ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1611E toward Petra ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3118Tel Qashish Or Me'ammer On Kishon... ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3122Inside mosque,up ISR L_AKO MSQ MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1833Camel caravan ISR L_NEAR MAS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3119Refinery at Haifa, it also looks like they produce phosphates towers look like nuclear reactors ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T111Olive trees off Rt.4. VEG L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3120Tel of ancient Akko ISR L_AKO.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1609Ibex ISR L_S ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T211Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_3121MosqueMost colored stones here are fr around Caesaria ISR L_AKO MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3122Inside mosque,up ISR L_AKO MSQ MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1417Eilat JRD L_AQB [CITY] D_W.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2821Wadi .....,across Jordan valley ISR L_N JRD VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_1616Israel's probably nuclear facilities,near Mamshit ISR L_MAMSHIT.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2901Banias waterfall (a source of Jordan) ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_2902Banias waterfall (a source of Jordan) ISR L_N ISR.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3005Hill of Hattin,where Saladin defeated Crusaders ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T118MtGilboa. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T212Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3006Southern Galilee landscapeGood agricultural landMuch of Gospel narrative takes place here ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3008Kafr Kanna looking NE-probable Cana ISR L_GAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3117Traditional site of Elijah on MtCarmel,in Carmel range ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3118Tel Qashish Or Me'ammer On Kishon... ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3119Refinery at Haifa, it also looks like they produce phosphates towers look like nuclear reactors ISR L_CARMEL AREA.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3121MosqueMost colored stones here are fr around Caesaria ISR L_AKO MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_3123point&click-1-60 sec,down in mosque ISR L_AKO MSQ MSC.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T213Tel or garbage dump,or both. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T113Container being loaded onto truck (for boys). L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T114Eating lunch at rest stopArea looks like Ohio. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T115Hills S of Megiddo pass. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T116Looking SW pass which goes by Megiddo. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T117Jezreel Valley agriculture. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T119Inside bus in Jezreel valley. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T212Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_900_T213Tel or garbage dump,or both. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T110Farmland. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T111Olive trees off Rt.4. VEG L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T211Tel Aviv. L_TEL AVIV.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T112Factory-warehouseMany ship containers with major barbed wire around it. L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T113Container being loaded onto truck (for boys). L_SPL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T114Eating lunch at rest stopArea looks like Ohio. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T115Hills S of Megiddo pass. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T116Looking SW pass which goes by Megiddo. L_MEG PASS.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T117Jezreel Valley agriculture. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: Illegal string offset '_thumb_T119Inside bus in Jezreel valley. L_JZR VAL.jpg' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1413

Warning: ksort() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1417

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1418

Israel Trip July-August 1990 Bill Griffin/Regional/Unsorted Large Images

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Working Version: 1970-01-01 02:00:00 CST Version .969 © 2009 Dan Griffin