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Photos of the Ancient Near East, Emphasizing Israel :
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Photos of the Ancient Near East, Emphasizing Israel

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Photos of the Ancient Near East, Emphasizing Israel Folders

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Dead Sea Scroll Reconstructions


Israel Photos by Bob Stallman


Israel Trip July-August 1990 Bill Griffin


Middle East, Probably From 1940s, Middleton Collection

Warning: Illegal string offset 'error_log' in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1247

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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1252

Photos of the Ancient Near East, Emphasizing Israel Files

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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/grypho5/public_html/anepict/index.php on line 1418

Photos of the Ancient Near East, Emphasizing Israel Large Images

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Working Version: 1970-01-01 02:00:00 CST Version .969 © 2009 Dan Griffin