These songs
were recorded in my basement prior to our going to a studio to record a demo
tape (1977, fall?). This is from our old band, APOCALYPSE. I played 12 string
and electric guitars, Jim Griffin played bass, John Price played Arp String
Ensemble and piano, and Steve Mercer played drums. John Price "That We May
Know Him" and "The Ages of
Vials, Armageddon," and " In My Father's House" were part of a
"rock opera" we put together based on the book of Revelation. I have
searched, but I cannot any recording of some of the songs from that
"opera," (which we lamely
called "He's Coming After Dinner" [cf. The Marriage Supper of the
Lamb]). Click here to find a collection of extant songs
from "He's Coming After Dinner."
Click here to listen to our studio
demo tape of Apocalypse.
We May Know Him (John Price)
The Choice is Yours
(Bill Griffin)
The Vials,
Armageddon (Bill Griffin) [note: this song is frankly depressing, is much
too long, and certainly in not one of my better compositions!]
In My Father's
House (Bill Griffin)
Page updated
March 20, 2008