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My YouTube Channel (tons of videos!!!)

You can click on the following links to play the songs, or right click/save to download MP3 files.


American Christian

Paperback Bible

ALBUMS! Here are collections of music on one solid MP3 file.

Keep on Rocking in the Censored World (2019-2021 November)

Make it Quick (Acoustic songs 2019-2021 November)


Thursday Night Live (October 14, 2021 [FB Live])

New Stuff, Summer 2021 (2021 0819 [FB Live, Acoustic])

A Little Ukulele Concert (2021 0601 [FB Live])

Now for Something Completely Different (2021 0313 [FB Live]) For this one I did a bunch of old songs, including some my parents used to sing, and used some different instruments (my dad's 1939 Gene Autry guitar, balalaika, ukulele).

I Need a Break (2021 0306 electric concert [FB Live])

Friday Night Live (2021 0226 [FB Live])

An Academic Concert (2021 0116 [FB Live])

Oldies but Moldies (2020 1231[FB Live]) This one begins with some new material, but then has a bunch of my much older materials.

Live at Scott Hall Basement, Evangel College (1999 0322)



(You've got to change your) Evil Tests [Thanks again Jason Rosello for the bass!]

Paperback Bible (acoustic)

Back in the Kingdom Again!

Prepper (not a parody).  [slighty earlier practice jam version] Thanks to Jason Rosello for playing bass on this!

Prepper (AM version w/o the solos at the end)


The Politically Correct Bible (rock version; a new recording of an older song)

Jael's Wooden Tent Peg

Walked Away

Prophet Blues

You Give Tats a Bad Name

Evangel Fantasy

The Lord is Back in Town

Wreck Around the Clock (head-on version)

The HDS Feminist Theology Colors (a new recording of an older song)

God's Emotions

Pray This Way


Pandemic Generation

Hey Joe

Everybody Must Wear Masks

Old Time Bible Book

Surfin' The Bible Today


Blessed Man

Camp Gomorrah

You're a Man

The Flip Flop Fauci (Fooled the Hoi Polloi)

Readin' in the Bible

Keep On Posting in the Free World

Liftin' Woman

Waiting to be recorded:

I Clicked Too Late Baby


Snowstorm of the Claus

Another Trick Full of Gall

Shut Down


There Won't Be TP Shortages in Heaven

Jesus Grab Your Toys

I'm Getting Censored for Christmas

Here Come UPS

Auld Lang Syne 2020

I Saw Three Packages On My Porch

Over the River 2020

Modern Day Gnostic (draft version)

School's Still In Session

Virus Evil No. 9

Virus Man

We Are Survivors

O Quarantine

The Book of Life [YouTube] (about my wife's dedication to Bible study)

Mary, Did You Know? [YouTube] (electric guitar instrumental)


Caffeine [YouTube] (feat. Jason Rosello on one of the guitars)

Vacation Bird [Youtube] (multi-track recording)

Camera Girl [YouTube] (about my wife's photography--the background photos are ones I took of her doing her craft)

My Gal Takes Photographs [YouTube]  (these are all photos my wife took)

The God of War (with lyrical help from Wave Nunnally; January 23, 2019)


If Rush Sang "Christmas in Killarney" (December 23, 2018; Inspired by Jason Rosello)

Santa's Little Helpers

Some People Call Him the Messiah (December 21, 2018)

If Jimi Hendrix Did Chestnuts Roasting (December 11, 2018)

(Ruth) Don't Fear My Reapers (May 7, 2018) [Musical summary of the book of Ruth]


KramTonite (May 31, 2017) [Thanks to all the students who helped crowd-source these lyrics!]

Vacation Bird (March 2017) [about bad Hebrew tattoos]



Death by Chocolate (electric) Death by Chocolate (acoustic) [lyrics] (about my wife Terry [Tia]; not a parody)  You’re a Mean One, Dr. Griff (poking fun at me)  I Will Fail You  [2] [3] [4] [Lyrics]     Worship Man [October 29, 2015] KramTonite (some people can do this)    We Are the Scholars [lyrics] (poking fun at professors)        Test Tomorrow [lyrics] (commissioned by a student)        Fight for Your Right to Study [lyrics]  (not all my songs make fun of students)      I Hate Paper Grading [lyrics]    (She’s borrowing)     Notes From Her Classmates (with a lot of lyrical help from students)     Yesterday (think of all the food I'd put away. . . [April 20, 2008]) [lyrics]        Slow Elevator Comin' (April 27, 2008) [lyrics]  (about the elevator in Trask Hall)      Better Not Dance (Remastered) [lyrics] (inspired by the book of Judges)      My Lady (2008 Remastered, March 2008) [lyrics] (about my wife Terry [Tia]; not a parody)     Write This Way [Lyrics] (to teach Bible majors SBL writing style)     Comfortably Dumb [lyrics] (the responses are taken from student writings)      Calvinist (no, I’m not one)     The Worship Police     Aliens  [2] [3] [4] [Lyrics]     Springfield MO  [2] [Lyrics] (most of the specifics come from students in one of my classes)     Mommy Used To Make Me Go To Church  [2] [3] [Lyrics] (from when I was a student--I wrote this after leading worship at a summer school chapel [yes, we had chapel during summer school in the early 1980’s])   Smells Like Plagiarism (January 9, 2012)         Smells Like Plagiarism (unplugged version)    Mommy and Daddy Wear Spandex     Somethin’s in the Water out Here [lyrics] (about rural Wisconsin) [Photos related to this song]     Please Go Home For Christmas {with a lot of help from my Sophomore Seminar students} [lyrics]     Back in the U.S.S.A. [lyrics] (yes, this is political)     Popular Christianity (the first non-serious song I ever wrote)      In A Nutshell (a musical montage about EU professors)

VIDEOS: Click here to get to videos (mainly recorded on people’s phones)



Christmas      Academics      Theological Humor         Various       Political    

Cycling    Valentine’s Day     Live Stuff       Really Old Collections  

Songs not yet recorded up multi-track in my home studio which I would like to record in the near future (some still need some lyrical help)*

The God of War [in process]; Wakin’ Up Is Hard To Do; Ain’t Seen Nuthin Yet [about grad school]

*Note: I also have a bunch of unfinished parodies in the works. Sometimes these come together in 5 minutes, and sometimes they take a decade. My wife is helping me w/3 right now.



You’re a Mean One, Dr. Griff (December 29, 2016) [Thanks to all the students who helped crowd-source these lyrics!]

It Was the Claus (December 19, 2016)

Notes From Her Classmates (September 22, 2016) [Thanks to all the students who helped crowd-source these lyrics!]


Worship Man [October 29, 2015]


Good Translations [remix, September 1, 2014

Every Time She Turns Around (she takes a photograph) [remix, June 8, 2014]

Klass Evil #9 [inspired  by the Evangel Marching Band’s use of the ELP song] [June 8, 2014]

Jerusalem (Psalm 137), multi-track version [April 27, 2014] [in the tradition of the hymn-writers {and the Psalmists} I took a song and gave it different lyrics]

Worship Star [February 1, 2014]

Jerusalem (Psalm 137) [a basic version with just an acoustic guitar] [January 28, 2014]




An acoustic remix/re-recording of Death by Chocolate (December 29, 2013)


Arrest Ye Married Gentlemen (December 24, 2013)

You’re a Mean One, Dr. Griff (basic acoustic guitar version [a much better one is coming] December 21, 2013)

If Led Zeppelin did Deck the Halls (December 20, 2013)

Shinar You Crazy Tower (January 25, 2013; I began recording this October 11, 2011)


Mr. Teleprompter (November 4, 2012)

Smells Like Plagiarism (January 9, 2012)       Smells Like Plagiarism (unplugged version)


(This Ain’t Your Grandfather’s) White Christmas [This didn’t used to be a Christmas song] (December 21, 2011)

It Is Over (Happy Christmas) [You know, I never liked the original version of this one] (December 23, 2011)

It’s The Most Stressful Time of the Year [Sorry, I don’t have Andy Williams’ voice] (December 23, 2011)

Homework (January 1, 2011) [Lyrics] {This is a serious revision of an earlier version I recorded years ago. I added 3 guitar parts, percussion, and a new vocal track.}

2010 (7 new recordings)


Write This Way (December 30, 2010) [Lyrics] {A musical introduction to SBL writing style, with appreciation for

my wife who just gave me a new mixing board. The vocals were an incredible tongue twister.}


For Christmas:


Here Come Old Fat Man (December 24, 2010)


I Wonder as I Wander (December 23, 2010) {a non-traditional approach to an old melody}




Scans by the TSA (Nov 20, 2010) [lyrics] {WWMD [What would Moses do? <cf. Genesis 3:21; 9:21-25; Exodus 20:26>]}


Summer School Class (May 16, 2010) [lyrics] {written and recorded on the same day}


We Are the Scholars (February 5, 2010) [lyrics] {You ask how I recorded a song when I am one-armed because of surgery? Well, I started recording this last November. I took the original electric guitar part, cut it apart, and duplicated it so that it sounds like 2 guitars instead of one. Since there was no bass guitar yet recorded, I then took snippets from other songs I have recorded and pieced them together into a bass part. The piano would always be sampled sounds (I don’t play keyboards). I can sing without a functional right arm (there are up to 12 vocal parts in various parts of the song). Frankly, sitting at the computer and using a mouse with my left hand was very low physical activity.


Surgery (January 27, 2010) [lyrics] {written and recorded the day before my shoulder surgery}

2009 (18 new recordings)



Resolution {My wife says this isn’t one of my better parodies—I’ll try to do better next year!} (December 31, 2009) [lyrics]

Please Go Home For Christmas {with a lot of help from my Sophomore Seminar students} (December 17, 2009) [lyrics]

Bad King Wenceslas (December 13, 2009) [lyrics]



My Lady {acoustic guitar version w/the missing verse!} (May 17, 2009) [lyrics]

Test Tomorrow (April 19, 2009) [lyrics]

Somethin’s in the Water out Here (April 12, 2009) [lyrics]

(about rural Wisconsin) [Photos related to this song]

Calvinist (March 16, 2009) [lyrics]

Every Time She Turns Around (she takes a photograph)

(February 6, 2009) [Lyrics] I wrote and recorded this one as my wife’s

Valentine’s Day present this year. To see her photos click here.

I’m Too Smart (February 15, 2009) [Lyrics]

Fight for Your Right to Study (January 25, 2009) [lyrics]

I Hate Paper Grading (January 21, 2009) [lyrics]

Another Phone Bites the Dust (February 8, 2009) [lyrics]

You’ve Lost That Cell Phone Signal (February 9, 2009) [lyrics]

H1N1 Flu (June) [lyrics]


Political songs from 2009


We Track Our Enemies (August 24, 2009) [lyrics]

Back in the U.S.S.A. (June 19, 2009) [lyrics]

White House (April 26, 2009) [lyrics]

Enter Homeland (April 20, 2009) [lyrics]

(It’s screaming heavy metal. Waddaya expect?

Read the lyrics if you can’t understand the words.

I couldn’t understand the Metallica original w/o the lyrics. [My wife

said I needed to do something patriotic which wasn’t a country song.])

The New Man Came to Town [Same thing without the intro ](April 6, 2009) [Lyrics]



Death by Chocolate (February 2008) [lyrics]

God Bless the NSA (2008) [lyrics]

If Pink Floyd did Rudolph (December 2008)

O Come O Come Emmanuel (not a parody, but imagine what would happen if

the band Rush got caught in a snowstorm at a monastary during Christmas)

[December 2008]

Slow Elevator Comin' (April 27, 2008) [lyrics]

Ghost Writer (April 20, 2008) [lyrics]

Yesterday (think of all the food I'd put away. . . [April 20, 2008]) [lyrics]



Chorus Praise (remastered May 3, 2009) [lyrics]

Biker’s Tan (remastered April 26, 2009) [lyrics]

Better Not Dance (2008 Remastered, March 2008) [lyrics]

My Lady (2008 Remastered, March 2008) [lyrics]



It Ain't Easy (December 2007) [lyrics]

When the Bills Come Pouring In (December 2007) [lyrics]

Comfortably Dumb (August 2007) [lyrics]

Brown Eyed Lady (July 2007) [lyrics]







[numbers = alternate recordings {once they have an underline then the link has been added <these are in process>}]



Aliens  [2] [3] [4] [Lyrics]

Answering the Call   [Lyrics]

Come to Class  [2] [Lyrics] [3]

Comfortably Dumb   [Lyrics]

EC Bible Department 1985   [Lyrics]

Fight For Your Right To Study    [Lyrics]

Ghost Writer   [Lyrics]

Grade Somebody   [Lyrics]

Homework [2] [Lyrics]

I Hate Paper Grading   [Lyrics]

I Should Have Studied Harder  [2] [Lyrics]

I Will Fail You  [2] [3] [4] [Lyrics]

I’m Too Smart   [Lyrics]

KECC Jingle  [2] [Lyrics]

Life in the Cafe Line  [Lyrics]

Mommy Used To Make Me Go To Church  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

Old Testament Syllabus   [Lyrics]

Plagiarized Paper  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

Prof on the Run   [Lyrics]

Shinar You Crazy Tower

Sleeping in the Chapel  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

Slow Elevator Coming   [Lyrics]

Summer School Class [lyrics]

Test Tomorrow   [Lyrics]

The Freshman Blues  [2] [Lyrics]

We Are the Scholars [lyrics]

Write This Way [Lyrics]



Biker's Tan  [2] [Lyrics]

Brown Eyed Lady   [Lyrics]

Cycling Medly   [Lyrics]

Heartbeat Oh Well   [Lyrics]

I Ride Alone  [Lyrics]

It Ain't Easy   [Lyrics]

It's the End of the Ride As We Know It   [Lyrics]

Let's Ride  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

Mommy and Daddy Wear Spandex  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

My Baby Rides a Hundred Miles a Week  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

Please Quit Gripin 'bout my Bike   [Lyrics]

Ride the 150   [Lyrics]

Riding the Greenways  [2] [Lyrics]



Another Tear-Jerking Christmas Song  [2] [Lyrics]

Bad King Wenceslas [lyrics]

Bring Those Funky Presents Santa  [2] [Lyrics]

Busy Stripmalls  [2] [Lyrics]

Carol of the Bells 

Here Come Old Fat Man [Lyrics]

I Wonder as I Wander

If Pink Floyd did Rudolph   [Lyrics]

No Place Like WalMart for the Holidays  [2] [Lyrics]

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

O Shopping Mall  [2] [Lyrics]

Online Presents Coming to Town  [2] [Lyrics]

Please Go Home For Christmas [lyrics]

Please Stop Ye Merry Gentlemen  [2] [Lyrics]

Please Stop Ye Merry Gentlemen (Acapella)

Resolution [lyrics]

Rudolph Got Run Over By My Grandma  [2] [Lyrics]

The 12 Digital Days of Christmas   [Lyrics]

The Elves vs St Nicholas   [Lyrics]

Up For The Bargains  [2] [Lyrics]

What Food Is This? [2] [Lyrics]

When the Bills Come Pouring In   [Lyrics]



Ha-showfait ivvair  [2] [Lyrics]

H1N1 Flu [lyrics]

Surgery [lyrics]

Y2K  [2] [Lyrics]

Yesterday (Think of all the food I'd put away) [Lyrics]



Hang Low Ice Covered Branches   [Lyrics]

Ice on the Branches   [Lyrics]

Propane   [Lyrics]

Somethin's in the Water out Here  [2] [Lyrics]

Springfield MO  [2] [Lyrics]



Back in the U.S.S.A. [lyrics]

White House [lyrics]

Enter Homeland [lyrics]

The New Man Came to Town [Lyrics]

We Track Our Enemies [lyrics]

God Bless the NSA   [lyrics]

Great Bombs of Fire [Lyrics] (Well, I wasn’t quite right about this one.)

Little M1   [Lyrics]

Bomb Afghan   [Lyrics]

Scans by the TSA [lyrics]

Mr. Teleprompter



Alliteration  [2] [Lyrics]

Answering the Call   [Lyrics]

Avenue to Hell [2] [3] [Lyrics]

Better Not Dance  [2] [Lyrics]

Brotherly Love   [Lyrics]

By Permission  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

Calvinist [Lyrics]

Challenged for Jesus  [2] [Lyrics]

Chorus Praise   [Lyrics]

Come to Class  [2] [Lyrics]

Cooking in the Bible  [2] [Lyrics]

Everybody Must Get Slain   [Lyrics]

Friends   [Lyrics]

Good Translations [2] [Lyrics]

Housetops  [2] [Lyrics]

If I Had a Big Church   [Lyrics]

Illustrations [2] [Lyrics]

Marcion's Song  [2] [Lyrics]

Mommy Used To Make Me Go To Church  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

My Father's House   [Lyrics]

Popular Christianity  [2] [3] [4] [Lyrics]

Reformation Rap   [Lyrics]

Revival  [2] [Lyrics]

Secret Coding Man   [Lyrics]

Sleeping in the Chapel  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

S.P.I.R.I.T.U.A.L.  [2] [Lyrics]

Tape Backout [2] [Lyrics]

The Feminist Theology Colors  [2] [Lyrics]

The Hop  [2] [3] [4] [Lyrics]

The Missionary Offering Song   [Lyrics]

The Politically Correct Bible  [2] [Lyrics]

The Scripture Twist  [2] [3] [4] [Lyrics]

The Sunday School Blues  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

The Theologian Song  [2] [3] [4] [Lyrics]

The Worship Police  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

Virtual Spirituality   [Lyrics]



Another Phone Bites the Dust [Lyrics]

Dataport [2] [3] [Lyrics]

You’ve Lost That Cell Phone Signal [Lyrics]


Valentine’s Day/Family

Brown Eyed Lady   [Lyrics]

Daniel Little Boy  [2] [3] [Lyrics]

Death by Chocolate  [Lyrics]

Every Time She Turns Around   [Lyrics]

Good Translations [2] [Lyrics]

My Baby Rides a Hundred Miles a Week  [2] [Lyrics]

My Lady (electric)  [Lyrics]

My Lady (acoustic)  [2]

Tia's Song  [2] [Lyrics]


ALPHABETIZED;115 different recorded songs (list needs updating)

Aliens  Alliteration  Another Phone Bites the Dust Another Tear-Jerking Christmas Song  Answering the Call  Avenue to Hell Back in the U.S.S.A. Better Not Dance  Biker's Tan  Bomb Afghan  Bring Those Funky Presents Santa  Brotherly Love  Brown Eyed Lady  Busy Stripmalls  By Permission Calvinist Carol of the Bells  Challenged for Jesus  Chorus Praise  Come to Class  Comfortably Dumb  Cooking in the Bible  Cycling Medly  Daniel Little Boy  Dataport  Death by Chocolate  EC Bible Department 1985  Enter Homeland Every Time She Turns Around  Everybody Must Get Slain  Fight For Your Right To Study  Friends  Ghost Writer  God Bless the NSA  Good Translations  Grade Somebody  Great Bombs of Fire Ha-showfait ivvair  Hang Low Ice Covered Branches  Heartbeat Oh Well  Homework  Housetops  I Hate Paper Grading  I Ride Alone  I Should Have Studied Harder  I Will Fail You  Ice on the Branches  If I Had a Big Church  If Pink Floyd did Rudolph  Illustrations  I’m Too Smart  It Ain't Easy  It's the End of the Ride As We Know It  KECC Jingle  Let's Ride  Life in the Caf' Line  Little M1  Marcion's Song  Mommy and Daddy Wear Spandex  Mommy Used To Make Me Go To Church  My Baby Rides a Hundred Miles a Week  My Father's House  My Lady  My Lady (acoustic)  No Place Like WalMart for the Holidays  O Come, O Come Emmanuel  O Shopping Mall  Old Testament Syllabus  Online Presents Coming to Town  Plagiarized Paper  Please Go Home For Christmas Please Quit Gripin 'bout my Bike  Please Stop Ye Merry Gentlemen  Please Stop Ye Merry Gentlemen (Acapella) Popular Christianity  Prof on the Run  Propane  Reformation Rap  Resolution Revival  Ride the 150  Riding the Greenways  Rudolph Got Run Over By My Grandma  Secret Coding Man  Sleeping in the Chapel  Slow Elevator Coming  Somethin's in the Water out Here  S.P.I.R.I.T.U.A.L.  Springfield MO  Surgery Tape Backout Test Tomorrow  The 12 Digital Days of Christmas  The Elves vs St Nicholas  The Feminist Theology Colors  The Freshman Blues  The Hop  The Missionary Offering Song  The New Man Came to Town The Politically Correct Bible  The Scripture Twist  The Sunday School Blues  The Theologian Song  The Worship Police  Tia's Song  Up For The Bargains  Virtual Spirituality  We Are the Scholars We Track Our Enemies What Food Is This?  When the Bills Come Pouring In  White House Y2K  Yesterday (Think of all the food I'd put away) You’ve Lost That Cell Phone Signal



Lyrics, an alphabetical listing of my music, and how I recorded many songs.






The main collection: mostly humor/satire/light-hearted stuff (since 1995 [mainly])

                    Theological & Church-Related Humor/satire

                    Educational Humor/satire

                    Bicycling Humor

                    Various Other Humor Topics (other sports, 2007 ice storm,

Springfield, Y2k, support the troops,

politics, etc.)

                    Christmas (Mainly Humor)

                    Valentine’s Day (Love Songs!)


Live recordings (1981-present)

                    1981 Bill & Jim Live (Boulder, CO)

                    1982 Live at Chi Alpha (Bill Griffin, Jim Griffin, Larry Morrison; Boulder, CO)

                    1985 The Theologian (Springfield, Missouri)

                    1988 Cambridge Christian Center (MA)

                    1995 Bill G Live (Broomfield, CO)

                    Coming soon: Live at the Barn (a real barn, not the ET one) October 11, 1997

                    Freshman Chapel, Evangel University

                    2004 MS 150 Rally (Joplin, MO) Cycling songs

                    2004 Evangel University Homecoming Tailgate Party (Springfield, MO)

                    2006 Live at Evangel Temple (Springfield, MO)

                    2007 ET Christmas Concert (Springfield, MO)


Old collections (1977-1987)

                    Apocalypse (1977; a band I was in with Jim Griffin, John Price, and Steve Mercer)

                    Apocalypse: The Basement Tapes (1977)

                    Bill’s Quick Mix (1981; collaboration with Jim Griffin)

                    Head On (1982; collaboration with Jim Griffin)

                    Songs from the Holy City (1983)

                    At It Again (1984)

                    Boston Uncommon (1987; recorded when we lived in Boston)

MUSIC BY MY BRO’: A link to James Griffin’s music website